Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher

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  1. Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher Kit
  2. Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher System
  3. Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher Download
  1. TopDesk dramatically enhances your window switching experience, allowing you to: Swiftly select a window from an Expose-like or Flip3D-like view thumbnail view of all windows, including minimized windows. Rapidly switch between an application's windows using a thumbnail view of all windows that belong to the current application.
  2. The time involved in the context switching of one process by other is called the Context Switching Time. Advantage of Context Switching. Context switching is used to achieve multitasking i.e. Multiprogramming with time-sharing(learn more about multitasking from here). Multitasking gives an illusion to the users that more than one process are.
Microsoft has today released the Windows 10 20H1 ISO files for clean installation. The files are out for Windows 10 version 2004 Preview Build 19041, which is the ready to manufacturing (RTM) build.
In addition to the new APIs, check out these updates to the app model, MSIX and WSL.
Windows Subsystem for Linux: The Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 is the latest and greatest version of WSL. It has significantly faster file IO performance (up to 20x faster) with full system call compatibility, meaning you can run more of the Linux apps you love (like Docker).
Hosted App Model: Applications can now declare themselves as a host for other applications via the new HostRuntime extension. These hosted apps look and behave like independent apps and can have deep Windows integration, even though they get their main executable from the host app. This technology powers PWAs on Microsoft Edge. To get started using the Hosted App Model, see this blog.
Sparse Signed Packages: Applications can now include a signed MSIX package in their existing installers and have their installers register it. This allows applications to keep their existing installers but still assign themselves identities. An identity makes the app known to Windows and allows for a more deeply integrated experience by enabling the app to call Windows APIs that require identities such as Tiles, Toasts, Notifications and BackgroundTasks.
In 19H1, Microsoft asked Insiders why they were turning off the search indexer. Your feedback helped Microsoft make improvements then and helped focus on three key areas of improvement in Windows 10 version 2004: excessive disk and CPU usage, general performance issues, and low perceived value of the indexer.
Based on this, Microsoft is introducing an algorithm that detects high disk usage and activity, so it can better identify peak usage times and manage the indexer accordingly. Microsoft is also making changes for developers to prevent searches of certain repositories and project folders to improve disk usage.
To help you find the info that matters even faster, Microsoft has added four quick web searches to your Search Home:
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Contexts 2.4 – Fast window switcher. August 10, 2016. Contexts is a radically faster and simpler window switcher. It gives you 4 ways to switch windows: Switch with one click to any window: An auto-hiding sidebar shows your windows organized in groups. To switch to a window just click its title in the list.


In this topic you will learn about creating Direct2Ddevice context in Windows 8. This information applies to you if you are developing Windows Store apps or a desktop app by using Direct2D. This topic describes the purpose of Direct2D device context objects, how to create that object , and a step by step guide about rendering and displaying Direct2D primitives and images. You will also learn about switching render targets and adding effects to your app.

What is a Direct2D device?

You need a Direct2D device and a Direct3D device to create a Direct2D device context. A Direct2D device (exposes an ID2D1Device interface pointer) represents a display adapter. A Direct3D device (exposes an ID3D11Device interface pointer) is associated with a Direct2D device. Each app must have one Direct2D device, but can have more than one device.

What is a Direct2D device context?

A Direct2Ddevice context (exposes an ID2D1DeviceContext interface pointer) represents a set of state and command buffers that you use to render to a target. You can call methods on the device context to set pipeline state and generate rendering commands by using the resources owned by a device.

Rendering with Direct2D on Windows 8

On Windows 7 and earlier, you use a ID2D1HwndRenderTarget or another render target interface to render to a window or surface. Starting with Windows 8, we do not recommend rendering by using methods that rely on interfaces like ID2D1HwndRenderTarget because they won't work with Windows Store apps. You can use a device context to render to an Hwnd if you want to make a desktop app and still take advantage of the device context's additional features. However, the device context is required to render content in a Windows Store apps with Direct2D.

Why use a device context to render?

  • You can render for Windows Store apps.
  • You can change the render target at any time before, during, and after rendering. The device context ensures that the calls to drawing methods are executed in order and applies them when you switch the render target.
  • You can use more than one type of window with a device context. You can use a device context and a DXGI swap chain to render directly to a Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow or a Windows::UI::XAML::SwapChainBackgroundPanel.
  • You can use the Direct2Ddevice context to create Direct2D effects and to render the output of an image effect or effect graph to a render target.
  • You can have multiple device contexts, which can be helpful for improving performance in a threaded app. See Multithreaded Direct2D apps for more information.
  • The device context interoperates closely with Direct3D, giving you more access to Direct3D options.

How to create a Direct2D device context for rendering

The code here shows you how to create a Direct3D11 device, get the associated DXGI device, create a Direct2D device, and then finally create the Direct2D device context for rendering.

Here is a diagram of the method calls and the interfaces this code uses.


This code assumes you already have an ID2D1Factory1 object, for more information see the ID2D1Factory reference page.

Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher Kit

Contexts 2 9 – fast window switcher system

Let's walk through the steps in the preceding code sample.

  1. Get an ID3D11Device interface pointer you will need this to create the device context.

    • Declare the creation flags to set up the Direct3D device for BGRA support. Direct2D requires BGRA color order.

    • Declare an array of D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL entries representing the set of feature levels that your app will support.


      Direct3D searches your list until it finds the feature level supported by the host system.

    • Use the D3D11CreateDevice function to create an ID3D11Device object, the function will also return an ID3D11DeviceContext object, but that object is not needed for this example.

  2. Query the Direct3D 11 device for its DXGI Device interface.

  3. Pacifist 3 5 5 download free. Create an ID2D1Device object by calling the ID2D1Factory::CreateDevice method and passing in the IDXGIDevice object.

  4. Create an ID2D1DeviceContext pointer using the ID2D1Device::CreateDeviceContext method.

Selecting a target

The code here shows you how to get the 2 dimensional Direct3D texture for the window back buffer and create a bitmap target that links to this texture to which the Direct2D device context renders.

Let's walk through the steps in the preceding code example.

  1. Allocate a DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 structure and define the settings for the swap chain.

    These settings show an example of how to create a swap chain that a Windows Store app can use.

  2. Get the adapter that the Direct3D device and the DXGI Device are running on and get the IDXGIFactory object associated with them. You must use this DXGI factory to ensure the swap chain is created on the same adapter.

  3. Call the IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow method to create the swap chain. Use the Windows::UI::CoreWindow class for the main window of a Windows Store app.

    Make sure to set the maximum frame latency to 1 to minimize power consumption.

    Vitamin r 2 49 – personal productivity tool. If you want to render Direct2D content in a Windows Store app, see the CreateSwapChainForComposition method. Later 1 0 2.

  4. Get the back buffer from the swap chain. The back buffer exposes an ID3D11Texture2D interface allocated by the swap chain

  5. Declare a D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 struct and set the property values. Set the pixel format to BGRA because this is the format the Direct3D device and the DXGI Device use.

  6. Get the back buffer as an IDXGISurface to pass to Direct2D. Direct2D doesn't accept an ID3D11Texture2D directly.

    Create a ID2D1Bitmap object from the back buffer using the ID2D1DeviceContext::CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface method.

  7. Now the Direct2D bitmap is linked to the back buffer. Set the target on the Direct2D device context to the bitmap.

How to render and display

Now that you have a target bitmap, you can draw primitives, images, image effects, and text to it using the Direct2D device context. The witcher 2: assassins of kings enhanced edition 1 1. The code here shows you how to draw a rectangle.

Lyn 1 7 2 – lightweight image browser and viewer. Let's walk through the steps in the preceding code example.

Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher System

  1. Call the CreateSolidColorBrush to create a brush to paint the rectangle.
  2. Call the BeginDraw method before issuing any drawing commands.
  3. Call the DrawRectangle method the rectangle to be drawn and the brush.
  4. Call the EndDraw method after you've finished issuing drawing commands.
  5. Display the result by calling the IDXGISwapChain::Present method.

Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher Download

Now you can use the Direct2D device context draw primitives, images, image effects, and text to the screen.

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